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Avoiding Stranded Technology

What would happen if technology outpaced our ability to explain it? When it comes to technology marketing, we continue to reinforce two basic premises.

  • If you can’t explain it, you can’t sell it.
  • If you can’t put it into context, neither can anyone else.

A quick review of Our Work will illustrate many examples of how we articulate value propositions for products and services. Our work also shows how we explain technologies and put them into context within our client companies, their markets, and especially the competition.

When investments in R&D or manufacturing engineering yield new and better ways to do things, it’s up to us, the marketing people, to find ways to educate and explain their value. It’s our job to build the tools that empower the sales equation. Without this, all we have left is stranded technology, good ideas sent to oblivion simply because they couldn’t be sold.

Stand Out From The Crowd

We believe an educated customer is the best resource any client can develop, but achieving such an advantage takes time and effort. Today, it takes an orchestrated approach to customer education. This strategy includes conventional and contemporary marketing tools and original content that satisfies search engine algorithms.

Want to glimpse how we think? Simply look at what we’ve done. In our portfolio, see examples of information architecture that captures, explains, and presents the value of new technology one idea at a time. We call it spoon-feeding. You’ll call it information that sells.

If you want to improve your brand, launch a product or increase market share, talk to us.

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