OffWhite Marketing 2023

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Improve Your Targeting with Google’s New Filters

Google Analytics’ new filters, released in May, make data even more relevant and analysis and targeting even easier. Now, you can examine your audience in smaller, more detailed segments. Combining these new filters with Google’s previous filters allows you to create in-depth visitor profiles that help you understand what strategies invoke the best response from each kind of viewer.

Some New Filters You Can Add to Your Analysis Toolbox Mobile

  • Device or Tablet (distinguishes between screen sizes)
  • Brand, Model, and Marketing Name
  • Pointing Method (distinguishes between use of physical and onscreen keyboards)
  • Has Cellular Radio
  • Has Wi-Fi


  • Social Action (what occurred during the highlighted event, e.g. a Facebook Like or Google +1)
  • Social Action Target (content that triggered the social action, gives the URL, text, etc.)
  • Internal Search Term and Type (find out what is being searched on your site)
  • Browser Size (pixel dimensions of the browser display)
  • Local Currency Code (for given transaction)

*Note: This is not an exhaustive list. Also, these additions are for actual filters, not advanced segments, due to their differences in data collection. These new data points can be configured and added into the Ed.it2 Digital Marketing Platform to give you information that your marketing team can act on quickly.

If you would like to learn how Google Analytics and its new filters can be used to advance your marketing efforts, contact us today.

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