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Narrow Your Audience Targeting to Increase Leads

Advertising is a great way to get your business and your brand image out there for the world to see. However, if the whole world saw your ad would that be a good thing? The answer to this question would be yes, if the entire world is interested in what you are offering. But that’s highly unlikely. Audience targeting can help you focus in on what category of people might be interested in your brand, increase your return on investment (ROI), and more.
Demographic and Behavioral Targeting
Each person, in some way, falls into a category. They might be, for example, age 20-35, live in the Midwest, and be interested in beauty and skincare. This combination of demographic and behavioral data can help narrow the scope of your targeting for advertising. If you own a skincare line the person described above is much more likely to be a potential customer than trying to target a whole region without including any demographic or behavioral data.
Once you have an idea of who your target audience is, it’s important to decide how you are going to engage with them. You can serve them ads that are relevant to them and their interests. The audience might also be perfect for delivering a targeted email based on the demographic and behavioral characteristics you’ve picked out.
Ad Segment Review
Analyze, analyze, analyze. It’s not enough to simply serve an ad to your selected audience, you need to see if you are receiving your desired outcome. If your target audience had a low conversion rate it might be beneficial to go back to the drawing board and see if another audience might be a better fit for your business.
Where Companies Go Wrong
It takes time to get your audience targeting just right. The tendency is to lean too broad when creating a target audience. It’s much more difficult to meet the needs of an audience that has an age range of 18-60 than it is one that is 18-35. While it might be exciting to see the increased traffic coming in, at the end of the day what matters to your bottom line is making the sale.
Frequency is another place that is easy to mess up when starting out with audience targeting. Customers get frustrated when they are served too many advertisements which could scare off someone that is ready to convert and buy your product. Finding that fine balance is crucial when serving ads to a specific audience.
Audience targeting is critical to any sustainable advertising campaign. Knowing who your target audience is and when they are likely to convert is the key to achieving success. Getting your brand not just in front of people, but the right people will prove to be a meaningful strategy that will breed financial success on the long term.

OffWhite can help you discover focused audience targeting that drives success. Our digital services are available to develop your brand using social media, email marketing, search engine optimization and more. Contact OffWhite today to begin your journey with digital marketing.

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