OffWhite Marketing 2023

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Twitter Branding Drives Traffic, Integrates with Marketing Campaigns

In December 2011, Twitter released a “Brand Page” feature, allowing companies to customize their Twitter account page and even promote the “Tweet” that they want to appear most prominently to visitors. Twitter Brand pages provide functionality that businesses already promoting on Twitter are looking for, however for newcomers the idea of creating more content for yet another online presence may not seem worth the time spent. Thankfully, the adage “Less is More” applies well to Twitter marketing.

Twitter is the schizophrenic equivalent of a rolling newsfeed, rapidly delivering content from various sources to the users’ specifically tailored account page. Unlike Facebook, where long, content rich messages are prevalent, Twitter offers individuals and businesses 140 carefully chosen characters to deliver the message they feel the world should hear. This is ample space to entice customers to learn more…or completely turn them off of a brand. It takes approximately 10 seconds or less for a customer to read a Twitter post, thus advertising on this platform needs to be concise, to the point, and focused on the actual value proposition. Perhaps the most effective way to use Twitter to promote your business is by providing short descriptions and then adding a hyperlink to the full content, continually driving traffic to your site and integrating various aspects of your overall marketing campaign. 

OffWhite is an integrated marketing firm. One of our major strengths is looking at your marketing plan holistically, incorporating as many leverageable tools as possible to drive interest, and delivering innovative messages that increase sales. Twitter branding is simply one of those tools. Contact Jane Cirigliano today at 800-606-1610 or visit our website to learn more.

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