OffWhite Marketing 2023

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When Times are Tough: Reinvest

At OffWhite, we’ve seen plenty of ups and downs over the last 27 years. We’ve succeeded as an independent marketing firm because we have remained sensitive to the needs of our clients. We’ve thrown off geographic boundaries to work in international markets. We’ve continued to learn. 

It’s hard to believe how fast things have evolved. OffWhite survived the initial start-up in 1985, not knowing that the hardest part was ahead. We survived the advent of the PC and Mac, and the PC/Mac wars that pitted creative types against their more enlightened business managers operating on PCs. We have survived endless iterations of performance software, the emergence and evaporation of Quark Xpress, the onslaught of Adobe, InDesign and countless programs that didn’t have what it takes to mainstream themselves. We’ve learned to love and hate Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, all at the same time. And their friends, too. We’ve seen the birth of the Internet, its growth in fits and starts, a zillion websites abandoned because geeks moved on to the next thing. We saw the dot com bubble grow and burst, giving way to a new and more powerful genre of websites and online tools for grownups, information professionals who know how to serve their customers, distribution channels and service venues with real information in real time. 

We have a great group of people at OffWhite; complementary talents, independent personalities and strong advocates for our clients. Earlier this year, when we confronted the need to upgrade our infrastructure during one of the worst economic experiences in our careers, we chose wisely. We believe in America and we believe we’re going to enter a better time, economically, and we want to be stronger for the experience. At the recommendation of our entire staff, we sacrificed to acquire a suite of new 30” iMacs, coupled with a software upgrade to Adobe CS5, all to put us in a position to act quickly on existing and new business opportunities anywhere in the world. 

We have a great group of people at OffWhite; complementary talents, independent personalities and strong advocates for our clients. Earlier this year, when we confronted the need to upgrade our infrastructure during one of the worst economic experiences in our careers, we chose wisely. We believe in America and we believe we’re going to enter a better time, economically, and we want to be stronger for the experience. At the recommendation of our entire staff, we sacrificed to acquire a suite of new 30” iMacs, coupled with a software upgrade to Adobe CS5, all to put us in a position to act quickly on existing and new business opportunities anywhere in the world. 

On the administrative side, we upgraded our in-house job tracking and accounting system to the latest version. Our servers are robust and backed-up to the max. Our relationship with Verio, the best hosting company on the planet, has earned us a premium position where we can offer our clients the most extensive range of website utilities and functions anywhere. So, what do you do when things are bad, clients are cranky and trying to do more with less, and the pundits are spewing doom and gloom from one end of the cable spectrum to the other? You go to work, reinvest in the people you value most, give them the tools they need to be efficient and profitable (i.e. successful) and let clients know we are poised and ready to move forward. If you’re reading this you are already a client, or a potential client, or an alliance partner, key vendor or simply a friend of OffWhite. 

Thanks for making us a part of your business life. We’re digging deep to keep this magical combination on the leading edge where we belong. We’re betting on the future.

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