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Why Audio Podcasts are Powerful

Audio stories are compelling. And because some things are more difficult to explain than others, we’ve developed an audio podcast program that gives our clients – and their clients or customers – the space and time necessary to educate and inform. To tell a story.

My background in radio broadcasting set the stage for the OffWhite podcasting services we offer with great efficiency. The web-based platforms such as Zoom, GoToMeeting, Teams and others provide a global reach for both information uptake and audio “actualities,” as well as worldwide distribution and archiving in all markets we serve.

For a podcast to have any credibility, however, we need to know our material. That’s why we interview our subjects twice; once to chat about the subject and a second time to capture – in their own words – the essence of their product, service, or point of view.

Many of our podcasts have focused on life science, clinical, and medical research markets where tools and technologies proliferate daily. Others relate to education services, publishing complements to magazines and periodicals, and anywhere we can reach a subject matter expert and talk to them wherever they live.

The Internet has created a level playing field insofar as audio capture and editing. We’ve followed a basic format that includes a professionally produced audio signature, intro, outro, and transitions that give our minds a brief break between subjects. We also create information “networks” that offer regular podcasts on whatever subjects our clients want to cover, wherever they want to cover them.

Interviewing clients on the other side of the country or anywhere in the world is now a matter of routine. But first, we need to know our subject matter. So here is an example of a podcast we did for Drug Discovery News. Once we did our homework, the rest was straightforward. Notice the intro, audio signatures and transitions, and outro that gave this the feel of a network feature, which it was.

We can set up one-on-one or multi-person interviews that put the listener at the table to discuss best practices, new products, and more.

While video continues to grow in popularity based on YouTube and Vimeo platforms, the need for audio-only podcasts will not subside. Audio is here and now, easy to produce, easy to access and non-invasive. Plus, it’s fun to chat with your product managers, subject matter experts, your customers, and experts regardless of where they’re located.

For more information on OffWhite audio podcast services, let us know. We can interview you for a demo, and you can learn for yourself why this marketing utility is so powerful.

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