OffWhite Marketing 2023

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Why You Need a Plan

Jane CiriglianoMost marketing activities are not rocket science when taken individually. However, only running one ad, posting one update to LinkedIn or optimizing your content on one section of your website is not going to yield lasting results. Finding the right combination of marketing activities for your business, and planning for consistency in your message and branding across the mediums you have selected, are what really drive results.

What Do You Need?

Start by considering what your audience will find most helpful. If you have strong customer relationships, ask them what would aid them in making their purchasing decisions. Just because everybody is doing the next big thing doesn’t mean that it makes sense for your company, and your customers. Cater your marketing plan around your customers, and you will build stronger customer relationships, increase loyalty and, in turn, grow sales.

Integrating Your Efforts

Once you have determined what you need to accomplish your goals, streamline your efforts. Content from a white paper can be repurposed for a video, a blog series and social posts. Your latest news release can be used for an email marketing campaign and an update to your website. When you know what tools you need, it becomes easier to manage your content across multiple platforms.

Planning for Consistency

When you are connecting with customers through a variety of media, your corporate voice must be consistent. Yes, you need to talk to your customers differently in a corporate brochure than on Twitter, but your overall message should be the same. Deliberately plan your marketing activities so that your customers get to know and recognize “you” as a company.

Results You Can Measure

So, what should you expect from a fully-integrated marketing plan? Here are just a few examples from our client base:

  • A 30% increase in leads in the first quarter alone of an integrated traditional and digital program
  • A 15% sales increase that was directly attributable to digital campaigns
  • Growing from a start-up company to a known competitor within 2 years

If you are ready to take your company to the next level, there is no better time. Contact us today to get started on your 2015 marketing plan.

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