OffWhite Marketing 2023

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4 Easy Steps to Make Facebook Timeline Work for Your Business

Facebook’s Timeline feature is much more “corporate-friendly” than previous versions of Facebook, providing numerous options for businesses that were once unavailable. Many businesses recognize the need to update their social media presence to the Timeline layout; however there are some important considerations to make as you implement Facebook’s newest features on your corporate page.

  1. Photographs Drive Interaction
    Take advantage of the photo-friendly medium within your profile to drive interaction with customers. In this case candid shots and cell-phone pictures will feel more personal and authentic than professional shots. Cautionary Note: Remember that Facebook compresses all of your images and plan your shots accordingly. Compression may change and/or distort highly detailed shots.
  2. Less (Text) is More
    OffWhite recommends that copy used on the cover image be minimal in length, but large in size and weight. Instead, use this image for photography if possible.
  3. Protect Your Brand Image
    Facebook also compresses Profile images, which most organizations use to display their logo. Consult your Graphic Standards guide (if you don’t have one, you should), and look for an acceptable variant of your mark without type, and maybe even without color.
  4. Keep it Fresh
    Update information and photos on your page on a regular basis to fit a season, promotion or event. The key is to find a balance of freshness and consistency. Facebook is a platform for interaction with existing or potential customers, thus the execution of your identity and branding is as important here as anywhere else. Keep the aforementioned items in mind as you adopt the Timeline layout, and your business will be well on its way to a successful social media campaign. 

To learn more about managing your social media presence or to learn how OffWhite can help you develop a fully integrated marketing plan, contact Jane Cirigliano at or call 740-373-9010 to get started.

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