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Algorithm Updates Got Your Website Rankings Down?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is all about improving your website traffic. SEO is always changing and evolving to stay ahead of the latest algorithm update as the algorithm calls the shots. Each revision aims to improve search results in favor of users. At the end of September, Google finished rolling out its Helpful Content Update. This change to their search engine algorithm focused on rewarding websites that produce quality, informative content. In October, Google finished rolling out the third core update of the year along with an antispam modification.

2023 Google Algorithm Updates to Date

  • October Core Update
  • October Spam Update
  • September Helpful Content System Update
  • August Core Update
  • April Reviews Update
  • March Core Update
  • February Product Reviews Update

While some search engine updates take more notice than others, a typical year includes numerous revisions. With these changes, minor ranking fluctuations are extremely common. For OffWhite clients, it’s business as usual. For the unprepared site, however, modifications to the algorithm can result in extreme drops in rankings. This is why an ongoing SEO program is crucial. The continued success of your website is dependent on not just initial SEO. A continuing Search Engine Optimization program monitors algorithm changes as well as website ranking fluctuations and can ensure actions are taken before your rankings take a nosedive.

Can You Keep Pace?

The frequent modifications to search engine algorithms make it increasingly difficult for internal marketing staffs to keep pace with trends. Companies need to exert more effort than ever before to draw in their desired customers.

While keywords are a part of this, and the algorithms are continuously evolving, there are several aspects that search engines currently rely on.

Often, when we review websites at OffWhite, including blogs, briefs, and other content in social media and beyond, we are doing so with respect to what the algorithms are programmed to pick up so that we can respond accordingly. This requires constant attention to the overall equation that includes the website itself, architecture and organization, page content, and extracurricular activity, such as backlinking and other third-party references to your website.

In fact, the business of search engine optimization has now evolved into a marketing and business communication service that is not only consistent with what we do at OffWhite but is pervasive throughout every industry. In short, keeping up with this constantly changing landscape of SEO and algorithms is central to our SEO service. We take the guesswork out of the equation. At OffWhite Marketing, our ongoing SEO services help your website evolve with algorithm updates.

Contact OffWhite today and let us help you with your SEO strategy.

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