OffWhite Marketing 2023

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Scary Statistics

Terrified Marketing ProfessionalIn honor of Halloween, here are some scary marketing statistics.

79% of your leads will never convert to customers (Hubspot)

Lead nurturing is an art. Find out what information your prospects need, and speak right to their pain points. Aid your efforts with marketing automation programs that prequalify prospects for follow up.

By 2020, 85% of your customers will complete their purchases without ever interacting with a human (Gartner Predicts)

Learning how your prospects make buying decisions has never been more important. Automated customer experiences through email marketing, social media, ecommerce, retargeted ads, and more will drive sales in the future. Personalize your content to target buyers as they move through your sales process and interact with your brand.


In 2012, there were 6 times as many display ads served up to website visitors as there were pages on the internet (Hubspot)

The information overload that customers experience on a daily basis has trained them to tune out ads. Even if you are reaching your perfect demographic through advertising efforts, it doesn’t mean that your message will resonate.

63% of consumers need to hear your message 3-5 times before it registers (Hubspot)

With all of the clutter out there, consistency and reach are key. Your brand message must be clearly defined and presented methodically across multiple marketing channels. Reach your customers where they are instead of waiting for them to come to you.

75% of consumers don’t go beyond the first page of search results (Hubspot)

Search engine optimization and content optimization are more critical now than ever before. Develop and invest in a content marketing strategy to ensure that you can be found in the deluge of information available to your potential customers.

A product recommendation from a friend is up to 50 times more likely to trigger a sale than a recommendation from a stranger (Hubspot)

While customer reviews are highly valuable, finding your brand champions and leveraging them on social media, blogs and other new media can have a larger impact.

If you are having marketing nightmares, contact Bill White for a solution.

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