OffWhite Marketing 2023

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Successful Marketing Automation Requires Organic Leads

Buyers search for products online, read peer reviews, ask for recommendations on social media, open marketing emails, attend webinars and watch videos to aid their purchasing decisions. At OffWhite, we work with our clients to determine the best marketing channels to reach their customers where they are: online.

We optimize those channels, giving customers and potential customers a consistently branded, positive and engaging experience across multiple platforms. The more integrated the user’s experience, the more likely the person is to convert to a customer, and ultimately into a brand advocate.

Marketing automation helps companies convert prospects to customers through personalized content and user experiences across multiple online channels. Repetitive tasks, such as email touch points with customers throughout the buying process, can be scheduled and interactions can be monitored. As behaviors are revealed, additional automated tools can be employed.

With all of the tools available to those seeking marketing automation, it is easy to get caught up in the technology and lose track of the real purpose: converting leads into sales. Generating inbound leads is imperative, because those leads are then nurtured through your marketing automation process, resulting in new customers and repeat business.

Organic, inbound leads connect you with prospects who are interested in your products and services, and are ready to engage with your brand. These leads are also more likely to convert to customers, especially if you are employing a process that provides customized content, retargeted ads, SEO and other integrated tools to keep your brand in front of potential customers.

To learn more about reaching your customers using an integrated, cross-channel approach contact Bill White at 1.800.606.1610.

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