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The Search for Website Success

SEO from the Inside Out: Why Website Coordination is Critical to Search Engine Success

Like it or not, we are all beholden to search engines. In the contemporary marketing equation, search engines are perhaps the most important component. On a landscape where the word “algorithm” was historically associated with math problems or PID controllers, the very word itself drives us mad and forces us to kiss the Google ring at every turn. Our purchasing behavior and that of our clients and their customers is revealed in the first thing we do when we need or want something – we search for it.

Regardless of the search engine itself, whether it is Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, or another, the algorithm calls the shots. When people search, your business needs to show up. Google and other search engine results point to websites. Therefore, your website, once found, remains the most important tool in your marketing mix. Your successful SEO (Search Engine Optimization) program depends on a complementary website that reciprocates, with content, what the algorithms need to see to give your site the highest rankings against your competition.

But what about your customers? You don’t cater to some algorithm; you cater to your customers. Good search engine algorithms do too.

Your website must be ranked high enough to catch the interest of your potential customers. In order for your website to be ranked high by a search engine, it must be optimized to meet a number of conditions. A winning SEO program is based on the architecture and content of the website it is intended to reveal. Optimizing your website for search engines also ensures your prospective customers can easily find what they need on your site. While search engines use an algorithm, it is based on user experience. The goal is to show people results that are the most relevant to their search; it’s about helping them find what they want or need.

While keywords are a part of this, and the algorithms are continuously evolving, there are several aspects that search engines currently rely on.


  • All versions of your website must direct to a professional domain.


  • The site map must be simple and logical.
  • A schema markup tells Google more about the type of data on your website.


  • The website must work on all devices, from personal computers to cell phones, iPads, tablets, and more.
  • The website design must include ample padding with large buttons for finger-tapping.
  • Hamburger menus must enable navigation on the smallest devices.


  • Page loading speed is a critical factor; images and video must be compressed, and above-the-fold images must load first.


  • Each page must have a winning introduction.
  • Search “intent” must be understood so that website pages match content.
  • Short sentences make things easier to read; use them.
  • Keywords must be strategically selected and complemented within website content. You cannot rank number one in everything, so it’s important to pick your most important words and appreciate the competitive space.
  • Long-tail keywords must be considered from the visitor’s point of view.
  • Heading tags like H1s and H2s must be positioned to break down content. A single H1 header is preferred, although you can use as many H2 to H6 tags as makes sense to the content.
  • Image file names must have descriptive alt tags associated with keywords.

Still unsure what your website needs to start outranking your competitors? The key takeaway is that even if you have a brand-new website designed, the success of that site is dependent on a continuing Search Engine Optimization program.

OffWhite Marketing can help.

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