OffWhite Marketing 2023

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What Can Your Website Tell You?

Carving Out TipsThe advent of the internet has created an online marketplace all its own, separate yet connected to the markets that brick and mortar companies use to drive commerce in their respective sectors. And while marketers have long known how to gather and quantify information about real world markets, the internet is a different story.

Site analytics can only tell us so much about customer behavior and at some point real customer feedback needs to be gathered. Wouldn’t it be nice if your website could serve as a 24-hour repository for that information? A recent module update to™2 provides this capability and a whole lot more. The form builder module in™2 allows you to upload and create any type of form to gather information from any page on your website. Whether you want to post an application form, event registration form, or a lead-generating landing page, it can all be created using the new form builder.

Form builder gives you complete control over the text fields and answer styles you allow users to provide. Varying answer styles include explanation boxes, check boxes, and upload fields. It also allows the site administrator to quickly and easily move the form between webpages if needed. Form builder provides instant access to your data, sending an email containing answer information and alerts each time a form is completed and submitted. All of the information gathered in the submitted forms is compiled in an easy to access Excel database file, which can be exported for analysis as well. Depending on the interaction scheme of your website, there are numerous tools available to customize follow up messages to best suit your needs. Additionally, a customized follow up email can be developed to thank the user for filling out your form or for providing additional contact information. A website is only as good as the interest it creates for a company and the Form Builder module for™2 is an effective way to interact with and gather information from your customers. 

For more information on the Form Builder update or to learn more about OffWhite, contact Jane Cirigliano at 800-OFFWHITe.

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