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Broken Links on Your Site Equal Trouble for SEO

You've created great content on your site that resonates with your target audience. New high-quality images accompany this content to emphasize the services you offer. But, here's the bad news, the link to this page is broken, and not a single user can get to it. Don't allow a potential sale to fall to the wayside all because you weren't actively auditing your website for potential issues.

Why Site Auditing is Important

Auditing your website is like a check-up at the doctor. Checking for broken web pages, links, headlines, etc., is critical to keeping a well-maintained website. Running weekly tests can help you spot errors and quickly correct them before your website traffic decreases, and you start to see negative consequences within your SEO search rankings.

Site Audit for SEO

Site auditing can also help you with your SEO optimization by alerting you to meta descriptions and titles that may be too long or short. If a meta tag is too long, it could be cut off within the search engine result. On the other hand, a short meta tag could give search engines extra space to plug in automated text that you have little control over. The audit can also allow you to add other important SEO elements where they might be lacking, like ALT tags for images.

Keyword cannibalization can also occur on your website without you realizing it. This happens when you use the same target keyword across multiple web pages. This can harm SEO because your web pages are battling to rank for the same keyword ? you?re basically competing with yourself. Site audits will show you exactly where cannibalization is occurring so you can make changes to the focus keywords on those pages. Close monitoring of changes within your site structure will maintain the search engine's view of your site as one of authority and allow you to have the opportunity to rank high for your target keywords.

Auditing Tools

There are many search auditing tools that will allow you to keep up with the search landscape as it is constantly evolving. Through auditing your site, you never have to worry you've missed something that could be costing you valuable leads and traffic. In addition, many of these tools allow you to set up reports that can be sent automatically on a weekly basis, so you never miss a beat.

OffWhite is equipped to help you develop an SEO strategy to fit your business needs. Get in touch with OffWhite to utilize digital marketing mediums to push your business towards success.

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